Archiv für November 2008
check it out please!
also: donna machiocha updated again!!! woo hoo!!!
h&p: doktorspielchen
ok, ein kleiner zwischendurch noch:

gone again!
sorry peeps,
i’m offski another 2 weeks.
seems i’m more often away than here these days. well, that will change again, you’ll see!
will bring you some funny and interesting comics from far, far away though!
analysis of some of my projects


prop 8
i realised yesterday that not as many people heard about this over here in europe and the only news they have from america is the happy obmania
so please take a few minutes (6.5) and have a look at this.
or, as above vid is rather adressed at the american audience,
read the wiki article about it first. and watch the vid only if you oppose gay marriage. or dont care about it.
for english version, please go to my livejournal

also: please check out my 2009 calendar preview via the shoppe!!! cheers
schön gereimt, scheisse gezeichnet
der schöne gastreim von thorsten koska.. einfach so hingeschludert.
wer mit einer besseren bildidee rüberkommt, gewinnt was.

vielleicht gar einen till lassmann (featuring friends) kalender 2009, der gerade voll in der mache ist (daher die zeitnot und die nicht sehr liebevolle illu. immerhin: gut lesbar!) und auch gern bestellt werden kann. wer schonmal spieken will, kann dies hier tun!
similar feelings

a day in the life
this is VERY FUNNY!
ALSO, i had to upgrade my flickr account and thought i could ask my favourite readers to give me a little monies (to show a little aprecciation) as all the stuff i put up here is for you guys and i hardly earn anything from all of this here! (even though its a shitload of work)
.. uploaded some more the wild thing pics..
please check em out!