Archiv für Mai 2009
will be away for another week
stay tuned though – there may be an update anyways!
also: i’m the SUPEREST! … but for how long?!
der freche pferdedieb
weekend links
hey friends,
why not check out dave ferguson’s awesome stuff today?
and/or think about buying some original or printed postcardart of mine?!
schon wieder hempel und pempel!
kriegt schon wer nen koller?
hempel, pempel und die millionen von plastiktüten
kreiert für martin „crabcards“ rathschecksens plastiktütenheftchen.
perkele the penguin
how to tell the two apart
see and hear…
no time today!!!
dear folks, i wont have no time for doing a comic today – i know it already!
BUT why not read this jewel and pretend was mine and not a thing made by emmy and anthony?!