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Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen
Die Musikgruppe concert:NOVA spielten das Musikstück zum Buch komponiert von Randall Woolf
Aus dem Cincinnati Enquirer:
‘Wild Things’ scores at CAC
Concert review
By Mary Ellyn Hutton • Enquirer contributor • October 31, 2008
If you thought Max in Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are” was a cutup, you should see and hear him in the adaptation by composer Randall Woolf and German illustrator Till Lassmann.
In collaboration with concert:nova, Cincinnati’s self-described “renegade” chamber ensemble, Woolf and Lassmann loosed Max on an enthusiastic audience Thursday night at the Contemporary Arts Center…
The event coincided with the opening of an exhibit of Lassmann’s “Wild Things” art in the sixth-floor UnMuseum…
If one wondered in advance whether viewers would miss Sendak’s wolf-suited Max and his tubby monsters, any such reverence was gobbled up instantly by Lassmann’s concept..
Mehr Bildmaterial auf Till Laßmanns flickr!.

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Illustrationen und Animationen für die »early learning«-Sparte

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