Archiv für Oktober 2006
halloween on gaboury island
another guest’strip‘ for grug
[swf src=“/swfs/313.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
people who would rather read a whole comic are recommended to go and read pishio the cat
das trampeltier
[swf src=“/swfs/312.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
cheat mode
[swf src=“/swfs/311.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
PS: he blew me away once again today: P l i n e s.
be sure to check out his recent assignments-post.
gaboury island fan art!
[swf src=“/swfs/310.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
this one is some fan art for edward J. grug III
and his fantastic Gaboury Island comic.
grug made one (or, more specific, TWO) guest strips not so long ago
i intended to put some more effort in but went to some cool exhibition and am a little too drunk to care now. BUT he asked for some fan art, so any comic artists reading this CONTRIBUTE PLEASE!!!
flower spam
[swf src=“/swfs/309.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
lekker links!
wulffmorgenthaler via stencille
and: Wired’s Very Short Stories via slashdot
AND: six-word stories by slashdotters
e.g. „Impeachment: It’s not just for blowjobs.“ – so cool!
killer bunny
[swf src=“/swfs/308.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
ps. was man im internet nicht alles findet: zwar keine uebersetzung von ‚muemmeln‘ aber immerhin eine deklination
[swf src=“/swfs/307.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
a matter of perspective
another interactive comic!
[swf src=“/swfs/306.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
shock and awe
[swf src=“/swfs/305.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
apologies: even though i was away for awhile and theres a shitload of stuff to do for me at the moment, i will try and improve the quality of the drawings again.