albert page 14
click here to read from the start!
script by edward j grug III
albert page 13
click here to read from the start!
script by edward j grug III
albert page 12
script by edward j grug III
i’d like to recommend having a peek at justin gerards blog. some excellent stuff there, really – development stages of his art as well as awesome finished pieces.. and while you’re there, why not check out his home page, too?!
AND his colleague, christopher koelle does nice stuff as weeeell!
so. heres albert page 11
script by edward j grug III
albert page 10
script by edward j grug III
und einen herzlichen glückwunsch geburtstagsmässig meinen lieblingszwillis!
und – wiedermal via drawn!: cereal killers!!! yummy!!!
albert page 9
script by edward j grug III
albert page 8
script by edward j grug III
albert page 7
script by edward j grug III
albert page 6
script by edward j grug III
albert page 5
script by edward j grug III