Archiv für April 2007
aufgepasst und mitgemacht..
… beim (mehr oder weniger) grossen neinaffenein osterei contest
happy easter!
[swf src=“/swfs/468.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
in diesem fall haette man wohl auch mal von ‚tarn-moden‘ sprechen koennen.
und weils ostern ist, hier noch eine kleine zugabe:
[swf src=“/swfs/469.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
piece of cake
[swf src=“/swfs/467.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
die jugend von heute
[swf src=“/swfs/466.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
everybody drink!
[swf src=“/swfs/465.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
hempelchen und pempelchen fuhren ski
[swf src=“/swfs/464.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
hamlet und der hund
[swf src=“/swfs/463.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
dicke lippe
[swf src=“/swfs/462.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
naechste „gegner“: c.w. und t.s.
bayern – milano 2:2
[swf src=“/swfs/461.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
hempelchen haut pempelchen
[swf src=“/swfs/460.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]