
[swf src="/swfs/110.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

squirrel wars

[swf src="/swfs/109.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

save the red sqirrel!

Rhein Site Story

Deutschsprachler aufgepasst:

Zur Hockey WM hat die Stadt Mönchengladbach die Rhein-Site-Story ins Leben gerufen. UND meiner einer ist mit von der Partie. Bitte aufmerksam verfolgen, wenns denn losgeht...


this is a continuing story.

[swf src="/swfs/108.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]


..up to date again:

[swf src="/swfs/107.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

sorry they were so hard to read and no german version. will fix that if i get enough complaints.
and sorry for the whining again, this is the last one commiserating about th loss of data (for a while;)

EDIT: hey - wait! counting them it seems i made one too much now. but thats alright - keep it as a bonus because you had to suffer for a few days

and the one for yesterday..

[swf src="/swfs/106.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

tuesdays comic

[swf src="/swfs/105.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

second late one

this one's for monday then
[swf src="/swfs/104.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]


here we go: i owe yous one for sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. heres the first one:

[swf src="/swfs/103.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

part 2

[swf src="/swfs/102.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

odd one..

Hey there people - as I am on a holiday of sorts, I'll unearth another old comic. Its a series, again done in collaboration with good olde kyloman and the first one not the best.. but the quality will increase in the following days, I promise!

[swf src="/swfs/101.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

.. und fuer meine deutschsprachigen Freunde eine feine Info noch:
Verdi hat einen Wettbewerb gegen die 'Geiz ist geil'-Mentalitaet ausgeschrieben..

100th comic!

hey folks - this is comic number 100! woo hoo!

[swf src="/swfs/100.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]


[swf src="/swfs/099.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

no blood for oil!

[swf src="/swfs/098.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]


[swf src="/swfs/097.swf" height="800" width="600"]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]