thoughts about breakfast

for now the last cooperation with kyle titterton. lets all hope he strikes again soon!

4 Kommentare

  1. Veröffentlicht von Steff am 17. Juni 2008 um 10:14

    …the simple bare necessities of life.

  2. Veröffentlicht von Aurélien am 17. Juni 2008 um 19:59

    I nearly never have breakfast when I’m alone…It’s a waste of time!

  3. Veröffentlicht von geheimagentmann am 18. Juni 2008 um 9:01

    I nearly have breakfast when I’m alone … best way to start the day! 😉
    not just the food, but these few silent minutes to think about yourself before going out into this crazy world …

  4. Veröffentlicht von Jonny am 25. Juni 2008 um 9:47

    Holy shit! When I think of all that time I wasted…who knows what I could accomplish if I stopped eating altogether?

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