sad ’n‘ bad

[swf src=“/swfs/582.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]

2 Kommentare

  1. Veröffentlicht von flo am 4. Oktober 2007 um 15:11

    Das ist aber ne Fortsetzungsgeschichte, oder? Mit verschiedenen Erzählrahmen und so?

  2. Veröffentlicht von PeteR am 7. Oktober 2007 um 14:15

    i’m seriously beginning to doubt my intelligence…

    i don’t get this comic. where’s the catch?
    What happened to him? and i guess i know what happened to her – but why is she unhappy?
    and is that text supposed to rhyme? (the ah-oh filler and met / regret seem to hint at that)

    i’ve been pondering for too long now – please enlighten me.

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