got a cold.
sorry, crap looking comic today – even though i spent ages lettering. you wouldnt believe it, huh?
[swf src=“/swfs/025.swf“ height=“800″ width=“600″]You must have Flash to view this file[/swf]
english version is the fantastic idea of joann sfar, one of my favourite comic artists ever (it is a rather german theme anyway: the crapness of the german railway customer „services“)
and the layout (the connaisseur knows) is copied from leo’s brilliant zwarwald
„crap“? soll das heissen, meine comics sehen immer „crap“ aus? wie heisst es in der bahn immer so schön? do not lean out! ausm fenster nämlich, freundchen!
andererseits hast du natürlich völlig recht + danke für den freundlichen verweis.
mehr tote hasen!